Easybest joined hands with HNA cold to host the Pescanova tasting at the chinese-inspired grange restaurant, which was attended by more than 30 seafood experts.

As the exclusive agent of Pescanova in China, Mr. Lou ruibiao, CEO of Easybest Group introduced Pescanova’s promotion plan in China in the next five years. Ms. Mo feifei, commercial official of Spanish embassy in China was also invited to express congratulations on the event.

Easybest brought Pescanova’s signature products: white shrimp from Ecuador, wild red shrimp from Argentina and banana shrimp from mozambique, as well as semi-finished products such as squid rings, cod strips and deep-sea whitebait noodles, which are not yet available in China. We also invited Spanish masters to cook for us.

Most of the invited guests of this tasting meeting are Easybest perennial partners and experts in the field of fresh food. Thanks to the generous praise and encouragement from everyone, this big brother with 20 years of experience in the import food industry won the trust and support of customers when he entered the seafood market for the first time.

A table of tender and juicy Spanish delicacies is the deep friendship of ibst to its customers. It is also a promise that we will bring better imported seafood to the people.

Photographer @zhang naiyue

Copyright @Easybest
